Page 50 - Writing Pie_2
P. 50

Here are some interesting facts about kangaroos. Pick out one of them to
be your topic sentence, and one to be your conclusion. The rest will be
details that tell more about your topic.

❑ Baby kangaroos are called “joeys.”
❑ A mob can have 100 kangaroos.
❑ They live in family groups called “mobs.”
❑ Kangaroo families are certainly interesting!
❑ Kangaroos usually have only one baby at a time.
❑ Kangaroos are strange creatures!
❑ A newborn joey is only as big as your thumb.

N ow use these facts to write your report. Remember to put them in an
order that makes sense.

RRooooss ffrroomm DDoowwnn UUnnddeerr!!

48 ✷ Part I
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