Page 21 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 21
01Unit Millions

jOb ective Know numbers to the millions.

1. Textbook Instructions UNIT

Students will learn numbers to the millions. 01 Millions
First have the students look at the base-ten
block models to visualize the amount of each What is Thomas looking at?
place-value to the millions.
One unit block represents the number 1. Review how numbers in different places represent the values.
What number does ten ones show? 1 ten
What number does ten tens show? 1 one 1 ten 1 hundred 1 thousand
1 hundred 1 10 100 1,000
What number does ten hundreds show? =
1 thousand =
Let’s make the thousands block smaller =
(green block) so that we can look at even =
larger numbers. What number does ten
thousands show? 10 thousand 1 thousand 10 thousands 100 thousands
Write 10 thousand in standard form and 1,000 10 ,000 100 ,000
word form.
Standard form: 10,000 One thousand Ten thousand One hundred thousand
Word form: Ten thousand
What number does ten 10 thousands
show? Write this number in standard form
and word form.
Standard form: 100,000
Word form: One hundred thousand


2. Build Understanding

Have the students review 4-digit numbers and complete the activity below before moving on to higher
Problem: Fill in the blanks.

A. B.

Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

Digit + Digit
Value hundred Value

Write the number in different ways. Standard form + ++
Standard form Expanded form thousand, hundred
Word form
Expanded form ++

Word form thousand,

004 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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