Page 23 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 23
Activity 1 Hundred Thousands

jOb ective Solve problems that involve numbers to the hundred thousands.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 1 Hundred Thousands

Students will solve problems that involve 1 . Learn how to read and write numbers that have the place value through
numbers to the hundred thousands.
hundred thousands.

Have students read and = 1,000 = one thousand
write the numbers that
have the place value of
thousands and
ten thousands. Ask how
100,000 is read.

1. Have the students express the value of the Since there are 2 cubes,
given models in word form and standard it is written as 2,000 and
form. read as two thousand.

After completing problem 1, make sure the

students understand how to read and write Since there are 3 cubes,
it is written as 3,000 and
numbers to the hundred thousands. read as three thousand.

Refer to .

Since there are 10 cubes,
it is written as 10,000 and

read as ten thousand .

Since there are 17 cubes,
it is written as and read


as seventeen thousand .


2. Build Understanding

Place value chart

The following is a place-value chart that shows how to write and read each place value. Each group of three
digits is called a period. When you write a number, separate each period with a comma.

Thousands period Comma One period

Place Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones
Write 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1

Read One hundred Ten thousands One thousand One hundred Ten ones one
thousands ones

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