Page 24 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 24
01Millions Unit

2 . Match the standard form, word form, and expanded form of each good 2. Have the students match the numbers in
Go over the standard, word, and expanded forms of different numbers. What are the standard form, word form, and expanded
number. and bad things about each form? The standard form is short and easy to read. form that have the same value.

The expanded form shows the values clearly. The word form is long, but easy to read aloud. 3. Go over the chart with the students to
two hundred show them how to express numbers to the
12,000 eleven thousand 40,000 + 1,000 hundred thousands in three forms.

41,000 forty-one thousand 10,000 + 2,000
710,000 twelve thousand
200,000 + 10,000
+ 1,000

211,000 seven hundred 700,000 + 10,000
ten thousand

Have students look at the place-value chart. They should see that there are hundreds, tens, and
ones places in each period. The periods are thousands and ones in the chart below.

3 . Learn how to find the value of each digit using the place-value chart.

Hundreds Thousands Ones Hundreds Ones Ones
1 Tens 7, 3 Tens 2

1 hundred thousand 5 ten thousands 7 thousands 3 hundreds 7 tens 2 ones
100,000 50,000 7,000 300 70

157,372 can be written in dif ferent forms.

Standard form: 157,372
Word form: one hundred fifty-seven thousand, three hundred seventy-two
Expanded form: 100,000 + 50,000 + 7,000 + 300 + 70 + 2

1. Millions 5

When students write the word form or expanded form of numbers to the hundred thousands, they may
incorrectly express zeros that come in between numbers.
Example: 206,000
Students may incorrectly express 206,000 as two hundreds zero six thousands in word form and
200,000 00,000 6,000 in expanded form.
Show the students that when there is a zero in between other digits, it is not written in the word and
expanded forms as shown in the example below.

206,000 two hundred six thousand
200,000 6,000

4A Unit 01 007
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