Page 27 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 27
Activity 3 Making Numbers

jOb ective Make, read, and write 7-digit numbers.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 3 Making Numbers

1. Have the students use the number cards 1, 1 . Play the game of making different numbers with number cards.
2, 6, and 9 to make numbers to the millions.
Get into pairs to play this game. Let’s Play
Place a number card number in the blank
spaces for each number on p9. This game will Have students write down where they placed the number cards at each turn
be played by expressing the 7-digit numbers so that they can keep track of what numbers have been read.
in standard form and word form.
The player who reads a number incorrectly, 1. Write the given numbers in the blanks. Read the word form of the
loses. written number.

2. Take turns making different numbers and reading them aloud.
3. The person who reads a number incorrectly loses.

For example, you can play the game with the number cards 1, 2, 6 and 9,
like this:


Millions Thousands Ones

Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Numbers Made
1 , 6 2 0, 9 0 0

,0 , 00

I made 1,620,900.
One million, six hundred

twenty thousand,
nine hundred!


2. Build Understanding

Have the students make 7-digit numbers using the numbers from 0-9. Students will use the table shown to
the right to play this game.
Game Rules

Use the numbers from 0-9 once to make a 7-digit number.
Write the number in standard form, word form, and expanded form.
When the table is complete, switch with a partner and check each other’s work. The student that has the
most numbers correctly written in each form, wins.

010 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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