Page 46 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 46
02The Number Village Unit

Material Number Cards [2 sets]

2 . Use each of the 8 cards to find the possible numbers that satisfy the 2. Have the students use the given 8 number
cards to make 8-digit numbers. Then have
conditions below. Compare and write > or < in the . them compare the two numbers made.
11223344 The students can use the following
method.Have the students follow the last
Conditions condition, first.
There is one card between 1’s.
There are two cards between 2’s. There are four cards between 4s
There are three cards between 3’s. There are only two ways to place four
There are four cards between 4’s. cards between the 4s.

4 1,3 1 2,4 3 2 ˘ 2 3,4 2 1,3 1 4 4, ,4
,4 ,4

There are three cards between 3s

4 ,3 ,4 3

I think you re 3,4 ,3 4
wrong again.
4 1,3 2 1,2 3 4 1 2,4 3 2,1 3 4 Refer to .
Refer to .
Refer to .

2. The Number Village 21

Problem solving Compare the two numbers to find the greater
There are two cards between 2s number .When comparing the ten millions place
value, 4 2 so 41,312,432 is the greater number.
4 ,3 2,4 3 2
4A Unit 02 029
2 3,4 2 ,3 4

There is one card between 1s

4 1,3 1 2,4 3 2

2 3,4 2 1,3 1 4
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51