Page 41 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 41
Activity 2 Compare Whole Numbers

jOb ective Compare numbers up to the millions.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 2 Compare Whole Numbers

Students will compare numbers up to the When comparing 2 numbers, compare the digits in each place starting
millions. from the lef t.
Refer to textbook.
When comparing numbers, the digits in each Compare 256 and 317 Compare 1,057 and 992 Compare 2,519 and 2,564
place value should be compared from left to 256 1,057
right. 317 0,992 2,5 1 9

2 ¯ 3, so 256 ¯ 317. 1 ˘ 0, so 1,057 ˘ 992. 2,5 6 4

Digits in the thousands and
hundreds places are the
So, compare the digits in the
tens place.

1 ¯ 6, so 2,519 ¯ 2,564.

1. Have the students compare each pair of 1 . Compare 2 numbers and circle the larger number.
numbers and place a circle next to the greater
number. a. 1 , 2 0 1 b. 2,334 c. 1,254,013
1c. 1,2 10 2,516 1,245,019

Compare the Millions. d. 168,375 e. 207,543 f. 23,784
1,254,013 103,146 217,524 22,378
1,245,019 1 1
The digit in the millions is the same. ¯ 2 . Compare 2 numbers and write ¯ or ˘ in the .
Compare the hundred thousands.
1,254,013 a. 85,489 ¯ 102,966 b. 6,097 ¯ 6,907
1,245,019 2 2
The digit in the hundred thousands is the c. 695,307 ˘ 690,357 d. 2,385,012 ˘ 2,384,952
Compare the ten thousands. e. 47,692,531 ˘ 47,692,512 f. 142,531,332 ˘ 142,431,223
1,245,019 5 4 16
5 ten thousands is greater than 4 ten
thousands. So, 1,254,013 1,245,019
2. Have the students compare the two
numbers and place the correct symbol in the

2. Build Understanding

Using a place value chart to compare numbers
If students are having trouble with problem 2, have them use a place value chart to help them compare the
two given numbers.
Example: 2f.

Millions Thousands Ones
Tens Tens
Hundreds 4 Ones Hundreds Tens Ones Hundreds Ones
1 4 2 3 3 2
1 2 531 2 2 3


024 NUMINO Teacher s Guide 142,531,332 142,431,223
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