Page 38 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 38
02The Number Village Unit

Objective: Learn to compare, order, and round large numbers. Have the students look at the number on top of

Find the rule for each number village. Cross out numbers that cannot stay. each box. Students should place an X on the

Instruct students that when they round to a place value, it is expressed as “round to the nearest (a place value).”

number in each box that does not belong in the

100 340 same village. Have them also find what place

99 122 67 331 342 336 value each number was rounded to.
103 147 150 335 344 341
83 338 Refer to .

Round to the Round to the nearest
nearest hundred. ten .

3,000 50,000
2,990 3,101 2,617 46,382 50,318 49,266
2,860 3,603 3,099 53,810 57,007 51,079
3,402 48,642

Round to the nearest thousand. Round to the nearest ten thousand.

2. The Number Village 13

Using a number line to round

67 83 99 103 150 331 335 338 341
0 100 147 200 336 340 342 344 350
Round to the nearest hundred. Round to the nearest ten.

2,617 2,990 3,063 48,642
3,101 46,382 50,318 53,810 57,007

2,000 2,8603,000 3,0993,402 40,000 49,266 50,000 51,079 60,000

Round to the nearest thousand. Round to the nearest ten thousand.

4A Unit 02 021
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