Page 37 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 37
02Unit The Number Village

jOb ective Round numbers.

1. Textbook Instructions UNIT

In this unit, students will learn how to round 02 The Number Village
whole numbers. They will also learn how to
compare and order numbers to the millions. The numbers that are crossed out cannot stay in the Village 5,000.
First, show students what it means to round Mark the numbers that can stay in the village on the number lines.
numbers. Discuss the rules for numbers that stay in the Village 5,000.

Among the given numbers, the numbers 5,000
that are not crossed out belong in Village
5,000. Place the numbers that belong in 4,569 4,129 4,000 5,000 6,000
Village 5,000 on the number lines and find 5,420 4,500
what these numbers have in common. 5,030 4,690
Have the students approximate the placement
of each number on the number line. 5,000
What is the placement of the numbers on
the number line? The numbers are 4,570 5,500 4,000 5,000 6,000
approximately between 4,500 and 5,500. 5,138 4,766
The numbers in Village 5,000 are greater 4,997 5,200
than 4,499 and less than 5,500.

5,010 4,500 4,000 5,000 6,000
4,612 4,810
5,500 5,344

The numbers staying in the Village 5,000 are the numbers greater than 4,499 and smaller than 5,500.


2. Build Understanding


Have the students find the village that each number crossed out belongs in. Students can use the number
line to find these villages.
First number 4,129; this number is located close to 4,000, so it belongs in Village 4,000.
Second number 5,500; this number is greater than 5,499, so it belongs in Village 6,000.

4,129 5,500

4,000 5,000 6,000

020 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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