Page 62 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 62
03Identify, Read, and Write Different Ancient Namerals Unit

015-B4-1 015-B4-2

Roman Numerals (1) 2. Write the modern numbers as Roman numerals.
Roman numerals are written in the following way.

a. 37 b. 114

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 100 500 1,000
1. Write the Roman numerals as modern numbers.


c. 600 d. 3,665

2=1+1= d. 254 e. 2,341
b. 4 = 5 1 =
9 = 10 1 =
11 = 10 + 1 =
40 = 50 10 =
c. 90 = 100 10 =

Objective Learn about Ancient Objective Learn about Ancient
Mesopotamian numerals. Mesopotamian numerals.

Textbook Reference Activity 2 Textbook Reference Activity 2

015-B5-1 015-B5-2

Roman Numerals (2) e.
1. Solve each problem using Roman numerals and rewrite the sentence f.
using modern numbers.


The addition sentences are written in Roman numerals.

160 21 181

84 32 116

a. b.

c. d.

Objective Learn about Ancient Greek Objective Learn about Ancient Greek
numerals. numerals

Textbook Reference Activity 3 Textbook Reference Activity 2

4A Unit 03 045
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