Page 58 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 58
03Ancient Numerals Unit

Material Numeral Stickers[A9]

2 . Make 2-digit numbers using the Mesopotamian numeral stickers. 2. Have the students use Mesopotamian
numeral stickers to show each given number
What you need: , Numeral Stickers (A9) in Mesopotamian numerals.

a. 2 1 b. 5 6

3. Have the students look at what number is
shown to find how 60 was expressed in
Mesopotamian numerals.

c. 3 2 d. 4 7 Write what the underlined part represents
in Arabic numerals. It is 13.
3 . Here are 73 and 82 shown in Mesopotamian numerals.
73 13 60. The symbol to the left
Write underlined numbers in Arabic numerals. expresses 60.
How do you show 60 in Mesopotamian numerals? Write what the underlined part represents
in Arabic numerals. It is 22.
73 82
82 22 60. The symbol to the left
13 22 expresses 60.

Show the students how the same symbol

could be used for 1 and 60.

Refer to .

3. Ancient Numerals 27

Example: Mesopotamian numerals for 1 and 60.

1 Looking at the picture on the left, the symbols for 1 and
60 are the same when the “ones place” is blank for 60.
ones place This is why there was some confusion when using or
reading Mesopotamian numerals.

Blank 60
tens place ones place

4A Unit 03 041
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