Page 55 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 55
Activity 1 Roman Numerals

jOb ective Learn about Ancient Roman numerals.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 1 Roman Numerals

Students will learn about Ancient Roman Roman numerals, which are still used today, express all numbers with only
numerals.Roman numerals were influenced by 7 letters.
Greek numerals and originated in 500 B.C.
Although mathematics in Rome was not as IVX L C D M
developed as in Greece, Roman numerals were
used widely in Europe until the end of the 13th 1 5 10 50 100 500 1,000
century. Roman numerals are also occasionally
used today.The Roman numeral V is the shape 1 . Discuss how Romans expressed numbers by using the clock.
of an open hand while X is the shape of two
hands put together.
V 5 and X 10.

1. Have the students change the Roman
numerals on the clock into Arabic numbers.
Ask them to discuss how the seven numerals
are used to express different numbers.


2. Build Understanding

Ancient Roman numerals
Roman numerals represent powers of 10 (1, 10, 100, ...) and half of the powers of 10 (5, 50, 500, ...). The
numerals are put together to express different numbers.
Example: Write 322 in Roman numerals.


(100 100 100 10 10 1 1)

038 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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