Page 57 - NUMINO TG_4A
P. 57
Activity 2 Ancient Mesopotamian Numerals

jOb ective Learn about Ancient Mesopotamian numerals.

1. Textbook Instructions Activity 2 Ancient Mesopotamian Numerals

Students will learn about Ancient Mesopotamia was in the region where Iraq is Black Sea
Mesopotamian numerals. today. In the early 19th century, archeologists
found over 500,000 clay boards. On these Asia Minor Caspian SeaTigr
1. Have the students look at the textbook to boards, there were cuneiform letters (letters
find out how Ancient Mesopotamian numerals made up of thin wedge-shapes). There were Mediterranean r ate is River
were written. Have the students look at the mathematical symbols on over 300 of these Sea Euph s R
following page to find how to express 60. boards! i ver
After studying the numerals used, have the Syrian Babylon
students complete the problems at the Desert
bottom of the page.



1 . These are the numerals that the ancient Mesopotamians used.

1 23 4 56 78 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

51 59 60

Mesopotamians used for 1 and for 10.
They used these 2 symbols to show all numbers.
Write the ancient Mesopotamian numerals in Arabic numerals.

a. b. c.
26 30 49


2. Build Understanding

Ancient Mesopotamian Numerals
Ancient Mesopotamian numerals consist of a symbol that represents 1 and a symbol that represents 10.
60 is also a unit used. Like Arabic numerals, the placement of the symbols change the value of the number.

23 32
Before zero was invented, Ancient Mesopotamian numerals caused confusion and were not widely used.

040 NUMINO Teacher s Guide
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