Page 155 - NUMINO Challenge_K2
P. 155

3. Making 10

Unit Overview

Number system currently used has 10 as its base, and it is called decimal
numeral system. Therefore, making 10 is an important practice when adding
and subtracting, and the two numbers that make 10 is called complement.
In this unit, students will understand the relationship between numbers by
making 10 using two numbers and will extend their knowledge by making 10
using three numbers. In this way, the foundation of regrouping in addition and
subtraction will be laid out.

p.80 3. Making 10 p.81

Find the Numbers that Make 10 Sum of 10 and a Number
Two or three numbers can be added to make 10. The sum of 10 and a 1-digit number is as follows.

Making 10 with Making 10 with +=
two numbers three numbers +=
+= += + += + +=
Make 10 and Add
EExxeerrcciissee Find and connect pairs of numbers that make a sum of 10. Find the two numbers that add to 10 to easily add.

+ +=

The sum of 4 and 6 is 10. Add 4 and 6 and then add 3.

EExxeerrcciissee Complete the following. + = 18

+ = 14

+ + = 18 + + = 15
+ 10

80 NUMINO Challenge K2 81Operations

Students will build intuitive understanding of the complement relationship between numbers
with a sum of 10 through gathering two numbers to make 10 or splitting 10 into two numbers.
In addition, the complement relationship regarding 10 is the foundation of addition that has
regrouping. Therefore, it is better to guide students by using blocks or other countable
materials than doing activities by simply looking at numbers.

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