Page 156 - NUMINO Challenge_K2
P. 156
p.82 Find the Numbers that Add up to 10 Problem solving p.83

Type Study The students are using number cards to make 10. 1 Three fish need to be caught to make 10. Write which fish need

+= to be grouped.

1, 2, and 7
can be added

to make 10.

Use two number cards to make 10. 4 31
5 42
3 7 10, 4 6 10 1 37

Use three number cards to make 10. 10, Answers will vary.
1 2 7 10, 1 3 6 Tip
Catch the fish with
1 4 5 10, 2 3 5 the greater numbers
Making 10 83Operations

Two numbers can be gathered to make 10, and 10 can be split into two numbers.
1 and 9, 2 and 8, 3 and 7, 4 and 6, 5 and 5

These pairs help students to easily understand regrouping in addition and subtraction and also can be used to
calculate faster. For example, when adding 8+3, 8 can be added to 2 to make 10, and then the remaining 1
can be added.


82 NUMINO Challenge K2

Students with difficulty in solving the given problems can play a game in which they must
throw a die and place an object on the rolled number. Students will roll until they find the
number that makes 10. Playing this game will allow the students to easily understand the
process of making a sum of 10.

p.84 Make 10 and Add Problem solving p.85

Type Study Find the rule and write the missing number. 1 Group 3 numbers so that the number in is their sum.


14 16

First, think about the
two numbers that
make 10.

2 Mark on the greatest sum and on the smallest sum.

Manipulatives to Learn Operations 16 15
12 11
When repeatedly performing calculations to practice solving operations, students not only face the risk of
robotic memorization, but also may lose interest. It is important to use manipulatives to interest students in a 85Operations
fun way, while familiarizing them with operations. They also can help with calculation, making numbers, and
writing number expressions and provide a comprehensive strategy to build number sense.

84 NUMINO Challenge K2

WFohresntcuodmenptasrinwgho3 dciaffnenreontt foinbdjecthtse, mrueleas, ure eaScwh iotcbhjectot wdiitfhfearefonut rnthumobbjecrst tahnadt craenpeaact

agsuiadestathnedmardto, afninddctohuentstuhme noufmthbeertohfreeeach objtehcet taocctoivmitpieasretiondhireelcptlys.tudents gain a

numbers to find the rule in the triangle. deeper understanding of the concepts in

the unit.

27Answer Key
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