Page 2 - Part B brochure
P. 2
Pace commercial and entrepreneurship School is a huge
school with dedicated teachers who love their jobs. The school
has so classes and lots of learners. Most of the classes are
crowded as learners number range from 40 to 50 in classes.
There is enough space for learners to do group work and also
to present in front of the class. The school lacks technological
teaching resources. The only place where you can find
technological teaching tools is the school computer centre. That
is there only place where there a smart board and computers.
This means that only learners who are doing Computer
Applications Technology have access to a class with
technological tools. The other classes do not have any
technological tools not even a smart board. They still use those
old chalk boards.
The teachers do not see the importance of using technological
tools, in fact they actually undermine some of them. There is
limitation of internet access. WI-FI is accessible in the staff
room in the staff room and in the computer lab only. In the
computer lab only, the computer has access to the WIFI not the
learner’s computers. Most of the learners are ill-disciplined,
they are always chaotic in class and some of them even bunk
classes. When there is no teacher the classroom the learners
go and to chill or play outside. There are learners with special
needs, most of the learners with special needs has Attention