Page 4 - Part B brochure
P. 4

An ideal teacher the school needs

               An ideal teacher needed for the school is a teacher who can

               teach effectively no matter how crowded classes are. The

               teacher should be able maintain order in the class and also be

               able connect with the learners as many as they are. The

               teacher should be able improvise and also try to make learning

               and teaching without technological tools interesting for the

               learners to pay more attention. The teacher must allow learners

               to take responsibility of their own learning by allowing them to

               work in groups, to do peer assessments and also present tasks

               in front of the class.

               An ideal teacher that the school needs is a teacher that is able

               to understand that learners of the 21st century enjoy using

               technological tools and they can learn better using them. If the

               teacher understands that, the teacher will see that is important

               for learners to have internet access in the class as the teacher

               will know that most technological tools such as Kahoot,

               Socrative and more requires internet access. The teacher also

               needs to understand that the internet can also help learners

               with their assignments and make sure that every learner has

               internet access for school work purposes.

               An ideal teacher that is needed in the school is a teacher who

               has an ability to instil discipline to learners. A teacher who

               understand the importance of respect and can make learners
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