Page 13 - Pure Coaching Magazine - Issue 1
P. 13
If you run your own business, you may be 4. It helps with customer experience
wondering if it’s worth starting a blog. The
answer is simple – yes, it is. In fact, it should be Your blog should exist not just to attract new
a vital part of your marketing strategy. Life clients, but also to help your existing clients
coach and journalist Julie Brown tells us why get the most out of your services. These clients
and gives handy advice on blogging for are the most likely to buy from you again or to
success. recommend you to a friend, so targeting them
in your marketing is essential. If you publish
Six compelling reasons you should start a blog content that shows you look after your
right now existing customers, potential customers will
see this and will be much more likely to want
1. Attracting traffic to do business with you too.
Good quality content, which is targeted at 5. You can deal with customer’s questions
your ideal client will regularly attract more
traffic to your website. Even posts that are Publish content on your blog that answers
years old can continue to send visitors there your customer’s questions about your services
every week. Qualified leads can be converted before they have raised them. This can really
into clients. Result! help when it comes to converting customers
who can’t make their mind up about working
2. Building credibility with you. For example, a blog post about what
to expect from life coaching, may just help
Running a business is all about relationships someone take the plunge.
and solving your client’s problems. So, if you
want to build trust with prospective clients, 6. Blogs offers lots of re-purposing
you need to show them you’re an expert. A opportunities
blog is a great way to do this and it’s key if you
want to get any sort of press coverage too. In Every blog post can have more than one
addition, when others are looking for experts, purpose. It can be turned into a script for a
for an event for instance, they’ll search for podcast for instance. Or you could use lines or
short paragraphs from it as social media posts.
someone who is sharing their knowledge on a
blog. Make sure it’s you. Or use the pictures on your Instagram feed.
3. It’s more effective than social media
The issue with social media is that you’re not
in control of what happens to your content
once it’s posted. So, rather than building your
business just on social platforms, think about
starting or growing your email list, and
creating content on your website is key to this.
It gets people to your site, where you can offer
a freebie to encourage them to sign up to
your list. You can then use this for targeted
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