Page 15 - Trabajo Integrador RUBIN SUSANA
P. 15
1.6) Read the text, does it respond to your predictions and expectations?
It does not discuss which MOOC courses are the most chosen by students
from developing countries and it does not discuss anything as well, nothing
about Latin America, which was my first interest, instead, talks a lot about Sri
Lanka. Also, it doesn´ talk about the percentage of abandonment.
All the other questions were answered. It states that a large majority of
participants are from North America and Europe. There were a large
proportion of participants from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Switzerland in
the MOOC. There was little participation in South America, Africa, Asia and
There is a variety of reasons why developing countries’ students are not
participating more in MOOCs: access to digital technologies are still
insufficient to support online learning; lack of computer literacy; the students
aren´t highly skilled in English or other international language; overload of
information and cultural sensitivity are some aspects of the MOOCs that
poses great challenges to learners from developing countries and inhibit
MOOCs have very low completion rates, and data on this aspect is not readily
available. It states the highest completion rate achieved was 19.2% on a
Coursera´s course offered in 2012 and the majority courses had completion
rates under 10%.