Page 29 - Languages Victoria December 2019
P. 29
Languages Victoria
Jade Cleave, General Committee Member
Jade is the Head of Japanese for the Middle School at Haileybury, based at the Edrington campus in Berwick. Being a passionate advocate for languages in schools, she became an ordinary Committee Member for the MLTAV at the beginning of 2018, and has gained two years of valuable experience in connecting with fellow teachers of languages to share ideas on best practice, and how the state of languages learning across all school sectors can be
continually improved. Jade also completed her Master of Education studies at the University of Melbourne this year, specialising in assessment and pedagogy, and has presented at the MLTAV conference for the past four years on topics related to student engagement using ICT, and using student data to inform teaching and learning. Her passion lies with the development of authentic languages learning experiences through well-informed curriculum and assessment design, and the engagement of graduate languages teachers.
Lili Cvetkovic, General Committee Member
Lili Cvetkovic is a passionate languages educator with strong interest in innovative and effective use of technologies in languages education and assessment, student motivation, and promotion of languages education and the value and power of a multilingual society. In her current role as a Languages Project Officer, DET, North Eastern-Victoria Region, she is responsible for supporting
schools with the provision of languages programs, the logistics of establishing a quality languages program, reviewing existing programs, sourcing qualified languages teachers and with strategic and curriculum planning for languages. She has keen interest in developing blended learning approaches to languages learning that address local needs and develop local solutions.
Lili has more than fifteen years of experience working in languages education including extensive experience as a primary and secondary languages teacher. Her work also encompasses supporting languages- specific networks, facilitating professional learning programs, coaching and mentoring, support for languages cluster initiatives and extending students’ languages learning beyond the classroom.
Volume 23 Number 1 Page 29