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The social work students, who gave their    I believe that this is the direction in which
       course a very high rating, were professionals  higher education is going. Of course, from
       working closely with their employers who didn’t  our point of view, there’s a commercial interest
       expect a full university experience. So what is  in the university being physically close to the
       right for one community in terms of environment  city centre because of the footfall (that’s my
       may not be right for another.               background in urban economics coming out),
                                                   because proximity will generate more involvement
       The 24-hour, seven-day-a-week vision of
                                                   with trade and commerce as well as with
       higher education that Andrew has outlined is,
                                                   members of the public.
       I think, absolutely appropriate. At Lincoln, we
       have a traditional university campus but in one  And the public is becoming more engaged in
       quarter connected to the city we’re developing   learning as a social experience, which is a real
       a 24/7 environment where the library will not just  opportunity for higher education. For example,
       be a university library but the county central library  the Principal of The Chicago School of Art and
       available for students of the university and the  Design introduced an evening course in creative
       community of all ages. There’s also a student  writing expecting that maybe 20 people would
       centre that will double as an exhibition centre,   sign up. But apparently 250 people are attending
       and a performing arts centre that will double   these courses now, many of whom are 40–50
       as a conference centre. There are shops that   year old professionals. They don’t care how
       are connected to the city so people will work  long the course takes, they like getting out in
       through them to the university. In this quarter  the evening and doing something different to
       people can experience a virtual and physical  their day jobs. So the future of higher education
       university environment that is inclusive, they   is not all virtual. It is still about space and place;
       can pitch up there at any point of the day or   it’s face to face, it’s engaging and, at one end of
       night and buy a cup of coffee or a book, get  its rich and diverse spectrum, it gets people out
       some help with learning support and go to a  in the evening.
       show or a conference.

                                                   24 Performing in a blend of real and virtual worlds
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