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5.0 Life-long learning

                                                         But learning doesn’t stop with university. People’s skills need
                                                         updating throughout their professional careers and life-long
                                                         learning is an increasingly important trend. We need to create
                                                         mechanisms that ensure that learning is continually accessible
                                                         throughout people’s lives so that they can embrace it wherever
                                                         and also whenever it needs to take place. There has been a
                                                         huge increase in the number of people engaged in life-long
                                                         learning and increasing numbers of them are actually retired.
                                                         Seven per cent of the three and a half million people engaged
                                                         in life-long learning are over 60, a three-fold increase since 1994.
                                                         And 44 per cent of these 60-plus life-long learners are studying
                                                         computing, maths or science (the oldest graduate of a further
                                                         education computing course in the UK, by the way, is 108).
                                                         Life-long learning is a global trend; 14 million Americans aged
                                                         55 and over are engaged in studying, for instance, and there
                                                         are now 527 branches of the University of the Third Age (U3A),
                                                         which is a self-organising continuous education body founded
                                                         in France in 1973.

                                                         I’ve been doing some research for a while now into university
                                                         linked retirement communities. As a professor at the University
                                                         of Michigan put it; ‘people are no longer satisfied with the condo
                                                         and the golf course. They are looking for more value and meaning’.
                                                         The idea of returning to your university roots on retirement is
                                                         proving very appealing in the US. There are already at least
                                                         60 retirement communities located on campuses at American
            Life-long learning is a global trend;        universities and they’re not restricted to retired professors.
            14 million Americans aged 55 and             These communities aim to bring the alumni back into the fold
            over are engaged in studying, for            as they finish their working careers. It’s partly a revenue earning
            instance, and there are now 527              exercise – the universities can re-sell real estate on a fairly regular
                                                         basis to this population and they are also able to fully engage
            branches of the University of                retirement communities in the process of giving (alumni funding
            the Third Age.                               in the US is very, very important). But it’s also a way of enriching
                                                         the academic community and creating a context for life-long
                                                         learning. It brings a lot of experience back into the university –
                                                         the retired population can be engaged as mentors, perhaps
                                                         for people from other cultures. As part of our research we
                                                         developed this matrix of university retirement communities

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