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since this revolution in education began, learning  bringing space management together with
            has been moving away from lecturers and away  developments in thinking about teaching, learning
            from direct communication. Now lecturers will   and the student experience is essential – there
            be able to see what students are actually doing  must be on-going debate.
            on their screens, to see what the librarians have
                                                         On behalf of the academics in the audience, I’d
            exclusively been seeing whilst teaching students
                                                         also like to respond to Andrew’s comments about
            about learning in a virtual world (which, arguably,
                                                         the National Student Survey. If you drill down into
            is not necessarily the right way round).
                                                         the survey, you can find some very interesting
            Interest in the university estates and learning  outcomes. Looking at architecture courses, for
            paradigms is not limited to students or staff; there  example, almost every course in the country was
            are a number of third party interests in a university  rated by students as providing poor levels of
            that need to be thought about in the context of  feedback. Architects in higher education are
            change – for example the banks and financial  beside themselves as a result, saying ‘we give
            institutions that have invested, indirectly, so  them crits all the time – that’s feedback’. But the
            heavily in universities over the last few years,   students are saying, ‘oh, is a crit feedback? We
            in particular in student residences. Banks and  didn’t know’. Whereas the Open University not
            financial institutions now have vested interests   only provides feedback but also refers to it as
            in much of the bespoke student housing built   such, which has helped get them ticks in boxes.
            by, or for, universities. If we move too far towards
                                                         But perhaps most importantly the Open University
            a virtual university environment, those vested
                                                         students know what they’re buying; they know
            interests will become concerned.
                                                         what to expect when they enrol, they don’t
            In building a completely new university, which   expect the full university experience. Full-time
            is what we’ve been involved in at Lincoln over   students do expect the full experience, without
            the last five years, we’ve not only been building  necessarily knowing quite what that is.
            places for teaching we’re also providing the
                                                         At the time of that survey, the University of
            capacity for research in order to be able to
                                                         Lincoln was in the final stages of its geographical
            contribute to the development of the disciplines
                                                         repositioning and had just two programmes left
            we teach. Alongside teaching and learning
                                                         at its Hull campus, in art and design and social
            buildings, we’re creating opportunities for
                                                         work. We had the lowest ratings in the survey for
            knowledge transfer – not only business start-up
                                                         art and design, basically because the university
            units but also environments that are much more
                                                         was moving out of Hull and setting up in Lincoln
            open-ended and commercial than the traditional
                                                         (it pulled our average right down – at the Lincoln
            university space, very much like DEGW’s BOX
                                                         campus we achieved some of the highest subject
            space for LSE.
                                                         scores in the country). We looked at these results
            The issues that Andrew has raised about change  and realised that, of course, what the 18-year old
            in higher education are very important and ought  art and design students were expecting was the
            to be debated. Unfortunately, the tendency is for  full university experience so we transferred the art
            universities to discuss them separately in different  and design school into Hull College alongside
            arenas; in estates offices, amongst vice     other disciplines in their field to create a classic
            chancellors and amongst pro vice chancellors  FE-with-HE art and design school. The students
            and academics. Bringing this discourse together,  now have a website saying how happy they are.
                                                         23 Performing in a blend of real and virtual worlds
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