Page 16 - Creating Value 2020
P. 16


                     IN A SELFISH WORLD

              In today’s world, it may seem our
              society doesn’t practice many values.

              We have seen a rise in discrimination,
              abuse of power, greed, etc. What are
              we leaving behind for our future

              It’s time society took a hard look at its

              Here are some things society needs                     Loyalty – Loyalty is a value that
              more of:
                                                                       binds us to a person, thing or

                   Empathy – Empathy is                               sentiment. With loyalty, we do not
                                                                       betray. If we all shared loyalty, it
                     understanding and sharing the                     would help us build the strength
                     feelings of another. People need                  needed to stand up against the
                     to understand who others are                      things that harm our society.
                     and accept who they are.
                     Focusing on how we can grow
                     together should be our ultimate                 Honesty – One form of honesty in
                                                                       society is accepting yourself. With
                                                                       honesty, you can admit your flaws
                   Respect – Mutual respect is                        and take the necessary steps to
                                                                       improve yourself. When we can
                     needed for all of us. This is what                admit to our flaws it can help
                     makes us human. Having                            someone else admit theirs.
                     respect for everyone, despite the                 Ultimately, we can all help each
                     differences between us, is vital                  other become better people.
                     in order for a society to function
                                                                     Values can be contagious; if you
                   Love – Having love in our                          practice them, many others will also,
                     hearts keeps us from feeling the                  including our children. Hopefully
                                                                       more practice from all of us will
                     need to harm others. Love helps                   leave the world a better place for
                     us acknowledge the similarities                   future generations.
                     we all share rather than the
                     differences of colour, religion or
                     sexual orientation.

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