Page 18 - Creating Value 2020
P. 18


                 HOW CRISIS CHANGES THE                            2.  You have feelings of diminished
              WAY WE THINK ABOUT VALUES                                control. We are now in a period
                                                                       where even our greatest efforts and
              Whatever feelings the Corona virus                       extraordinary faith may be
              has prompted, we know one thing for                      challenged and derailed. Despite the
              sure, the world in which we live has                     external challenges, we can still
              changed. Along with a greater focus                      promote personal change and
              on personal hygiene, consideration for                   remain in control by considering
              others, and an evolution in work                         different approaches. For some, this
              practices, there is a major concept shift                may be a time of deep introspection
              occurring in the background—a                            and a period of resurrection when
              change in the way we think about the                     we re-evaluate the course of our lives
              world and ourselves.                                     to orchestrate positive changes once
                                                                       the crisis is over.
              We have a choice: we can succumb to                  3.  You are gaining clarity through
              the psychological pressure of the                        simplicity. Considering the massive
              pandemic or leverage the opportunity                     restrictions on our mobility, we are
              to induce personal growth.                               now forced to focus on things that
                                                                       are unaffected by the global climate.
              Here are seven ways the virus has                        We are reminded of the pleasure in
              changed traditional values that will                     phoning an old friend, writing in a

              affect the decisions we make, the                        diary, taking long walks, or relaxing
              actions we take and the outcomes we                      in the sunshine while ignoring the
              can expect.                                              minor inconveniences of life. Things
                                                                       that typically frustrated us all, like
                 1.  You realize what you have                         sitting in traffic are insignificant now
                     taken for granted. We’re forced                   because we recognise the most basic
                     to realize that many of our                       pleasures in life are still intact and
                     usual ways of life are not                        there for the taking.
                     guaranteed. Socializing is                    4.  Your long-term goals may seem less
                     restricted and many of us are                     important. Many of us have tended
                     unable to perform the basic                       to look forward at the expense of
                     functions of our jobs (if we are                  enjoying the moment. While it may
                     lucky enough to still have one).                  be illogical to think our future goals
                     Acknowledging our good                            are at risk, research shows that those
                     fortune, we become more aware                     who live in the now report higher
                     of the plight of others, boosting                 fulfilment than those who dwell on
                     our empathy and willingness to                    the past or who focus on the future.
                     help those who are in need.                       Considering the uncertainties that
                     Assisting others ultimately                       are ahead, the virus for many has
                     serves as an ego boost because                    shifted thoughts from what may
                     when we help we often feel                        happen months from now to what
                     better, too.                                      we are doing today.

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