Page 22 - Creating Value 2020
P. 22


                 ADDING VALUE IN THE NEW                      The onboarding process i.e. ‘the action or
                  NORMAL OF THE FUTURE                         process of new or existing relationship
                                                               development, integrating an employee into
              As changes in your life and the area in          an organisation or familiarising a new
              which you work become apparent,                  customer or client with your products or
              consider what you want your life and             services’.
              business to look like, as well as who
              you want to be, on the other side of             Whether we’re talking relationships, career
              the quarantine.                                  development or customer relationship
                                                               management, you should not consider
              Acknowledge and accept the changes               onboarding actions as adding value.
              you’ve encountered and then move
              forward with your planning from a                They're all very much a part of the overall
              place of control.                                value proposition to attract and entice the
                                                               recipient, who deserves to be getting a
              When you then add value to the                   good return on their choice by receiving
              world, you will naturally feel better,           the overall value that engaging or working
              more confident and fulfilled.                    with you delivers.

              You create value for your customer               ‘Something for nothing has no value’
              when you deliver a product or service            Care must be taken if using “adding value”
              designed specifically to solve their             to justify doing things for the recipient for
              problem and you deliver it in a way              free. You may do yourself a disservice and
              that demonstrates you understood                 will not really be helping them or yourself.
              what they value most.                            Whether in money or reciprocal terms,
                                                               people actually prefer to pay for something
              Having confidence in the added value             in the knowledge they have received a
              your offering brings to your customers           good deal. They won’t value the work you
              lives and businesses reinforces the              do or the service you give entirely for free
              feeling that you have presented a                as they see no additional benefit from it
              product or service that is worth every           that they can value.
              penny of the fees you charge.
                                                               Remember, if you include something for

              However beneficial your products or              free, write that off as part of onboarding.
              services may be in helping your clients
              solve their problems, it is important to         The danger in giving too much away for
              differentiate that which they expect as          nothing, is you’ll acquire a reputation as
              an inherent value and that which they            someone who does lots for free, which can
              consider as part of the ‘normal’ value           result in the recipients  expectations to
              they might expect from dealing with              always be the same … that you’ll  always
              you as opposed to working with                   ‘over deliver’ which can result in an
              someone else.                                    imbalance exchange and abuse of your

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