Page 26 - Creating Value 2020
P. 26


              START WITH WHY: CREATING A                      But his opinion is that organizations would
              VALUE PROPOSITION WITH THE                       do better to improve how they articulate
                   GOLDEN CIRCLE MODEL                         their 'Why', in addition to 'How'.

              Leadership expert Simon Sinek is                 What
              perhaps best known for the ‘Golden               It's fairly easy for any individual, leader or
              Circle’ model, explaining why some               organisation to articulate 'What' they do.
              people and organisations are more                This can be expressed as the products a
              able to inspire others and differentiate         company sells or the services it offers.
              themselves successfully.
                                                               For an individual, it would be their job
              The neuroscience behind the Golden               title. Sinek argues that 'What' messaging
              Circle idea is that humans respond               only engages with the neocortex - the part
              best when messages communicate                   of our brain that's rational. His argument is
              with those parts of their brain that             that this part of the brain is less of a driver
              control emotions, behaviour and                  of decision making than the limbic brain:
              decision-making.                                 the part that 'Why' and 'How' reaches
              'Why' is probably the most important             Successful people and organizations
              message that an organisation or                  express why they do what they do rather
              individual can communicate as this is            than focusing on what they do.
              what inspires others to action. 'Why' is
              how you explain your purpose and
              the reason you exist and behave as

              you do.

              Successfully articulating your 'Why' is
              a very impactful way to communicate
              with other humans, define your
              particular value proposition and
              inspire them to act.
                                                               Simon Sinek is best known as an influencer who
              How                                              designed and popularized the Golden Circle
              The organization's 'How' factors might           concept.

              include their strengths or values that           His fresh look on business activities have granted
              they feel differentiate themselves from          him great respect, which drove some very big names
              the competition.                                 to invite him to their meetings and discuss possible
                                                               ideas he would have for them.
              Sinek's view is that 'How' messaging
              is also able to communicate with the             Some of those names are Microsoft, US Congress
              limbic brain - the important part that           members, and GE Silicones, for example.
              governs behaviour and emotion.

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