Page 30 - Creating Value 2020
P. 30


                  THE ELEMENTS OF VALUE                       The functional element help consumers
                                                               deal with complexities in their world.
              The amount and nature of value in a
              product or service always lie in the             Our model traces its roots to Abraham
              eye of the beholder.                             Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs,” which was
                                                               first published in 1943. A psychologist,
              Yet universal building blocks of value           Maslow argued that human actions arise
              do exist, creating opportunities for             from an innate desire to fulfil needs
              companies to improve performance in              ranging from the very basic (security,
              current markets or break into new                warmth, food, rest) to the complex (self-
              ones.                                            esteem, altruism). Almost all marketers
                                                               today are familiar with Maslow’s
              A rigorous model of consumer value               hierarchy. Click Maslow Hierarchy of
              allows a company to come up with                 Values Model to see the Maslow model.
              new combinations of value that its
              products and services could deliver.             The ‘Bain’ elements of value approach
                                                               extends his insights by focusing on people

              Analysis by Bain & Co, writing in the            as consumers—describing their behaviour
              Harvard Business Review revealed                 as it relates to products and services. It
              that the right combinations pay off in           may be useful to compare Maslow’s
              stronger customer loyalty, greater               thinking with the Bain consumer and B2B
              consumer willingness to try a                    models on the previous and next pages.
              particular brand, and sustained
              revenue growth.                                  Work your way up each of the Bain
                                                               pyramids for an insight into ‘Why they
              Bain identified 30 elements of value —           buy’.
              fundamental attributes in their most
              essential and discrete forms. These
              elements fall into four categories:               ‘Elements of Value’ information
              functional, emotional, life changing,            reproduced here was published in the
              and social impact. See the elements of           Harvard Business Review by Bain &
              value pyramid on the previous page.              Company, headquartered in Boston,
                                                               Massachusetts. It is one of the "Big Three"
              Some elements are more inwardly                  management consultancies. The firm
              focused, primarily addressing                    provides advice to public, private, and
              consumers’ personal needs. For                   non-profit organizations.
              example, the life-changing element
              motivation is at the core of Fitbit’s            Read the Harvard Article in full here:
              exercise-tracking products. Others are 
              outwardly focused, helping customers
              interact in or navigate the external

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