Page 33 - Creating Value 2020
P. 33


                  HOW THE WAY WE THINK                        Many businesses embrace this, adapting to
               ABOUT VALUES IMPACTS KEY                        accommodate the technology required to
                         AREAS OF LIFE                         win and retain custom. This area is forecast
                                                               to grow significantly, and business owners
              The Business World                               must stay up-to-date and be creative with
              ‘Unprecedented Times’ is a phrase you            their customer acquisition.
              will have heard many times over past
              weeks. Never has this meant more                 Paradoxically, there is an unexpected area
              than when applied to the months of               forecast to change business strategies going
              change that lie ahead for the business           forward.
                                                               Harvard Business School (HBS) suggest
              The experience-based wisdom of past              that there will be an increase in ‘bricks and
              pioneers should never be scoffed at.             mortar’ business going forward. Small
              Henry Ford developed a sound                     businesses on the nations’ High Streets
              philosophy:                                      were forced out of business by the large
                                                               superstores and out of town developments.
              “The purpose of money is to provide
              more opportunity to perform more                 Corona has re-ignited customer loyalty to
              service. Short-sighted businessmen               local businesses and HBS forecast this will
              think first of money, but service is             continue on the other side of crisis.
              what really makes or breaks a
              business; without it, customers soon             Small businesses are more flexible to
              go elsewhere. True happiness comes               capitalise on these changes and business
              from the joy of accomplishment.                  owners should ensure they focus on the
              Wealth, like happiness, is never                 area where larger corporate organisations
              attained when sought after directly. It          are often weak… That is Creating Real
              comes as a by-product of providing a             Added Value Eagerly, or using an acronym
              useful service”                                  C.R.A.V.E. which seems appropriate given
                                                               that the new world of the consumer craves
              Post Corona, businesses that survive             and deserves value.
              will have to decide what is no longer
              working for them. Many will vacate               The larger corporate organisations are
              expensive city offices or at least look          often the slower to react ‘Oil Tanker’ and
              to downsize in cheaper areas.                    not always effective at adding value, due to
                                                               their focus being inward and financial.
              Many others will have realised benefit
              from home workers and adjust their               Smaller companies will in future have
              strategy accordingly going forward.              more opportunity to become the faster
                                                               ‘Entrepreneurial Speedboat, with chances
              One of the consequences of social                to create value for customers, winning
              distancing is the increase in online             their trust and loyalty.

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