Page 28 - Creating Value 2020
P. 28


                      SIR KEN ROBINSON

              It’s sometimes said that creativity
              cannot be defined. I think it can.
              “Creativity is the process of having
              original ideas that have value”.

              There are two other concepts to keep
              in mind: imagination and innovation.             Creativity also involves making critical
              Imagination is the root of creativity. It        judgments about whether what you’re
              is the ability to bring to mind things           working on is any good, be it a theorem, a
              that aren’t present to our senses.               design, or a poem.

              Creativity is putting your imagination           Creative work often passes through typical
              to work. It is applied imagination.              phases. Sometimes what you end up with
              Innovation is putting new ideas into             is not what you had in mind when you
              practice.                                        started.

              There are various myths about                    Being creative is not just about having off-
              creativity. One is that only special             the-wall ideas and letting your imagination
              people are creative, another is that             run free. It may involve all of that, but it
              creativity is only about the arts, a third       also involves refining, testing, and focusing
              is that creativity cannot be taught, and         what you’re doing.

              a fourth is that it’s all to do with
              uninhibited “self-expression.”                   It’s about original thinking on the part of
                                                               the individual, and it’s also about judging
              None of these is true. Creativity                critically whether the work in process is
              draws from many powers that we all               taking the right shape and is worthwhile,
              have by virtue of being human.                   at least for the person producing it.

              Creativity is possible in all areas of           Creativity in any field may involve deep
              life, in science, the arts, mathematics,         factual knowledge and high levels of

              technology, teaching, business, you              practical skill. Cultivating creativity is one
              name it. Our creative powers can be              of the most interesting challenges. It
              cultivated and refined. Doing that               involves understanding the real dynamics
              involves an increasing mastery of                of creative work.
              skills, knowledge, and ideas.
                                                               Sir Kenneth Robinson is a British author, international
              Creativity is about fresh thinking. It           speaker and advisor on education in the arts to
                                                               government, non-profits, education and arts. He was
              doesn’t have to be new to the whole of           Director of the Arts in Schools Project and Professor of
              humanity—but certainly to the person             Arts Education at the University of Warwick and is
              whose work it is.                                now Professor Emeritus at the same institution.

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