Page 24 - Creating Value 2020
P. 24


              I’M NOT CREATIVE – HOW CAN I                    significant Creative Value to the world
                           ADD VALUE?                          with their contributions.

              The slower pace of life forced upon us           The world is in “a great big scientific
              all by quarantine has a massively                experiment” where despite the distress
              positive side to it that will benefit            caused by the outbreak, people will try to
              everyone, individuals, companies and             look on the positive side. “The backdrop of
              the world.                                       illness is that humans look for positivity,
                                                               they channel creativity”, Ms Mann says.
              Whilst the lockdown has reintroduced
              boredom into our frenetic lifestyles,            “Allow yourself to be bored and see it as
              many people are now experiencing an              something good. Embrace boredom and
              explosion of creativity. Examples                your mind will occupy itself. You could
              abound across the media of home                  end up painting – or writing - a
              based musical and dance productions,             masterpiece.”
              an upsurge in writing, painting,
              fitness and creative solutions to work
              and home based problems.

              Dr Sandi Mann, a senior psychology
              lecturer at the University of Central

              Lancashire has identified that
              boredom is the best breeding ground
              for human creativity.

              “Boredom is one of the most creative
              forces – there are benefits to doing
              nothing. You start thinking in novel
              and productive ways,” she says “Get
              through the pain barrier and discover
              your creativity that is waiting to

              Lockdown could turn out to be one of
              the most creative times for humankind
              says Ms Mann, author of The Science
              of Boredom. After all, Shakespeare
              allegedly wrote King Lear during a
              plague, Sir Isaac Newton reportedly
              formulated the theory of gravity in
              quarantine to mention just two of the             Embrace boredom - creativity will follow
              many creative innovators who added

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