Page 20 - Creating Value 2020
P. 20


                 HOW CRISIS CHANGES THE                                psychological safety, which in many
              WAY WE THINK ABOUT VALUES                                cases, for some at least temporarily,
                                                                       may be in serious jeopardy.
                 5.  Your gratitude is growing.                    7.  Individual differences are fading.
                     After the early weeks of panic                    When we have a common enemy, we
                     buying basics like toilet paper,                  bond with those around us. Even the
                     paracetamol and hand sanitiser                    most argumentative spouses,
                     seemed to disappear from the                      partners, or challenging teenagers
                     planet. Weeks later, with stocks                  agree they don’t want to get sick and
                     returning and greater calm                        need to work together to overcome
                     restored to everyday shopping,                    the virus. We realise that the virus
                     you begin to feel fortunate that                  doesn’t care if we are black, white,
                     you have some of the necessities                  young, old, educated, illiterate,
                     in life. People with higher levels                socialist, conservative incarcerated,
                     of gratitude routinely report                     homeless, or a celebrity living in a
                     greater life satisfaction.                        mansion. We learn that we are all
                     Collective well-being is                          equally vulnerable and basically the
                     replacing the selfish practices                   same despite the superficial
                     we experienced in the early                       differences in how we look, what we
                     weeks. Many people have                           believe, or where we are from.
                     ‘opted in’ more frequently to

                     support common causes when                The world is uniting against a common
                     previously the default choice             enemy. Social change is upon us.
                     was ‘opting out.’
                 6.  You may finally understand                Personal and political ideologies become
                     what privilege means. Let’s               secondary to overcome the current
                     face it—many of you probably              obstacles.
                     have a smartphone or computer
                     and internet service. Regardless          Rival countries are banding together to
                     of the challenges you may need            help each other despite philosophical
                     to overcome, you are far better           differences.
                     off than the vast majority of
                     people who are less fortunate             Now is the time to recognize that your
                     and may not know when or if               beliefs and values and those of your loved
                     they will have a place to sleep           ones, work colleagues and customers are
                     or food to eat. You may now               also changing and the fight against the
                     realise that privilege is not             virus will ultimately transform our lives for
                     about how hard you’ve worked              the better.
                     or what you have accomplished,
                     but instead is about living your
                     day-to-day life without needing
                     to think about your physical or

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