Page 32 - Creating Value 2020
P. 32
HOW THE WAY WE THINK Working Life – Careers
ABOUT VALUES IMPACTS KEY Working from home, many will have
AREAS OF LIFE adapted well to the changes and arrived at
the conclusion that they like this new work
Earlier, we looked at how crisis such life balance better. There will be some who
as Corona changes the way we think have the decision made for them by their
about values. In concluding we will employers, who have seen first-hand how
review how those changes might ‘home working’ has improved their
impact upon the key areas of your life. business and even saved money in
travelling costs. A common observation
Loved ones, family and friends from business owners is that they would
Lockdown and social distancing, with never have considered home working as an
the restricted movement it entails has option before Corona, but now forced
brought many families closer together. down that road, they have experienced
Many relationships that were volatile benefits they hadn’t imagined.
prior to the stay at home rule, have
become increasingly violent with As an employee, you will have discovered
increases in domestic abuse. new skill sets and attributes, many of
which have added value to your company.
Without the distraction of commuting, The company noted this and will expect
working long hours and socialising, the adding of value to continue and even
many families have embraced the grow after lockdown, whether your place
opportunity to pay attention to one of work changes or not. Many will have
another, to be ‘present in the moment’ experienced the joy of new elements of
with each other, showing greater value, such as an explosion in creativity
compassion, understanding and care and thinking processes that represent a
than pre corona times would permit. dramatic opportunity for your personal
As we edge towards exiting lockdown
it will be important to remember what Do not expect everything to go back to the
you did better, what you said that was way it was before lockdown. As time goes
more loving, and how that impacted by, organisations will plan their strategy
upon those you love. This was you around what they found worked better,
creating or adding value in practice doing and expecting more of that.
where it matters most. They will Conversely, they will identify what wasn’t
remember how special you made working quite so well and look to eliminate
them feel and it will stand out if the those negative aspects going forward.
new normality removes or affects the
value you contribute in future. These are changing but more importantly,
exciting times, with your opportunity to
Remember how special it made you create and add more value. This presents a
feel too. Why would you NOT keep chance to realise your full potential.
doing something so good?