Page 10 - May 2020
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                          Bike                                                                Club Crafters

         The Bike Club meets Monday through Friday at 8AM at The Retreat. We  individuals who will teach and share their ideas. This is a good way to
         are always looking for people to ride with us, 10 -20 - 30 miles, whatever  complete that unfinished project.
         you feel you can handle. We do bike trails and the street. Please join us   Our ongoing project is making blankets for Sacramento Blankets for
         and any experience level is fine. Any questions call the club president,   Sacramento Kids. SBSK provides handmade blankets to children in the
         Tony Santoro at 780-1401.                                               Sacramento and Placer Counties, in addition to State and National
                                                                                 emergencies. The blankets are distributed to children in homeless
                                                                                 shelters, hospitals, schools, etc. We accept knitted, crocheted, sewn,
         Any 2020 Bocce season is problematic at this time.  At                  quilted, and no-sew fleece blankets from the community.
         best, we could have a shortened season beginning in                     We continue to donate to Sacramento Shriners Hospital; anyone in the
         June.  As this is penned in mid April, the start date                   community is welcome to contribute. We recently added another charity,
         remains a moving target.  We appreciate your patience                   California Chapter of Afghans for Angles. This organization distributes
         in this matter.  We will advise everyone as soon as we                  baby blankets to hospitals for parents who have suffered the loss of their
         can.                                                                    infant. Finally, Denise Caputo is still making crocheted prosthetics for
                                                                                 breast cancer survivors and she made face masks for residents and the
                                                                                 VA Hospital at Mather Field.
         The Bridge group meets every Thursday from 1pm to approximately         All of these are great projects to give back to the community while doing
         4pm. We are players of all levels and we're real easy to get along with!   something fun with your neighbors. If you have craft items to donate,
         Any questions contact: Teddie Allison at or    such as yarn, fabric, books, patterns, or unfinished projects, crafters are
         916-872-8705.                                                           happy to take them. For more information about our group, projects, or
                                                                                 to donate items, contact Denise Caputo at 916-782-1663 or email
         We play the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  Purchase                                Club Trekkers
         Punch Cards before playing. All monies go to the prizes.  You'll have a
         great time and laughs and also socialize with your neighbors.  Please call  With the Placer County Shelter in Place Order extended, the Club
         Janice Ingersoll at 1-916-212-0127 with questions.                      Trekkers are not planning hikes until that order is lifted.  Once the Placer
                                                                                 County Shelter in Place Order is lifted we will immediately send out
                                      CRI Group
                                                                                 emails letting folks know about the next hike.  So please stay up-to-date
         We have all been bombarded with information about this pandemic on      by reading our group’s emails, and get outside and walk the
         TV, the internet, written material.  Nevertheless, you might find the   neighborhood maintaining appropriate physical distancing.
         article linked below of interest.  It discusses and debunks many of the
         myths and misinformation that have developed regarding the                            Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
         coronavirus.                                                            We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at 10:00 a.m.  Our focus
         As we hear every day, “Stay home and stay safe”.                        is to learn, create and have fun.  Many of our members create quilts to be
         CRI Steering Committee                                                  given to family members, friends and charitable organizations.  We have
         Medical News Today.                                                     all levels of skill in our group and welcome anyone who wants to learn
         Coronavirus Myths Explored                                              about quilting.  We have “mentors” available who can get you started on  your first project and guide you to completion.
                                                                                 For more information, please contact Carol Jurcak (361) 290-3222 or
                                   Chair Volleyball
         Chair Volleyball is played on Wednesdays at 7pm except the 1st
         Wednesday of the month. It's a great way to get together to have some                               Club Veterans
         fun, physical activity, and a little competition.   No experience necessary.  Due to the Covid-19 virus health issue we are now
         Drop in or contact Dow Sager at 916-997-6543 for more information or    facing the Vet's Group has decided to postpone our
         to be placed on the roster for updates.                                 May SIG meeting unless we are notified that it is
                                                                                 permissible to have one. If the restrictions are still in
                                     Club Crafters                               force by then we will act in accordance. So please
         Join our group every Tuesday at 10AM in the Library. Whether you knit,  stay tuned in for further announcements from the
         crochet, color, draw, paint, do needlework, card or jewelry making, or   Club Vet's Group. We wish and hope you all will remain safe and out of
         you just want to visit; we encourage you to come. Whatever your craft or  harms way. Please take care.
         if you are interested in embarking on a new skill, there are many talented

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