Page 13 - May 2020
P. 13

Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                         Singles                                                              Team Trivia

         Due to the current social distancing guidelines, we are not planning to   Team Trivia is held the second Tuesday of every month.  Players are
         have a dinner in May.  If the situation changes, members will be notified  assigned to teams of 8.  There are 20 questions from different categories
         by email.                                                               plus a Halftime and Final question.  After a question is asked, the team
                                                                                 members brainstorm together to come up with the official team answer.
                                   Sports Fan Group                              Points are awarded, and at the end of the evening prize winners are
         Hello Sports Fans!                                                      announced.  It costs only a dollar to play and all money collected is paid
         Once again we are inviting you to join us for a fun-filled day of Baseball  out in prizes.
         2020 at Oracle Park in San Francisco.  The game date and opponent this   With over 120 people playing each month, we are one of the best
         year is Thursday July 30, 2020 versus the Chicago Cubs.  If you are     attended monthly events at the Retreat. More than answering questions,
         interested, see information below:                                      the night is about food, drink, making friends, and having fun!  We
         (1)  Game ticket is $75.25 (section 104, 1B side, rows 26-29).  Game    currently have 16 completely full teams of 8, so if you are interested in
         tickets need to be paid for by February 29, 2020 to guarantee your seat   giving Team Trivia a try, contact Penny Lengyel to play as a sub, or to
         availability.  You may either send me a check, made payable to Terry    be placed on the waiting list for a full-time team when an opening
         Coats, or place a check in my drop box at 2446 Langtree.                becomes available.  916-305-6677 or
         (2)  The Bus Ticket Price is determined by the number of game tickets   During this “stay at home” time, Steve and I really miss enjoying our fun
         sold.  We anticipate a bus ticket price similar to last year at $40.00.  Bus   trivia nights with all the residents.  We hope everyone is doing well and
         ticket need not be paid for until 15 July 2020.  Any questions I can be   staying safe.  We look forward to seeing you again soon!
         reached on my cell @ 925-699-4972.
         I look forward to a tremendous turnout for the Cubs game, so get your
         reservation early.                                                                                Water Volleyball
         SPECIAL NOTICE                                                          Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. and Fridays at 12:15 p.m.  Contact Dow Sager at
         I will be resigning my position as Chairperson of the Sports Fan Group   916-997-6543 with any questions.
         (my health is fine and we are not moving) at the end of this year.  If you
         feel you would like to inquire about the role of the Chairperson, contact                            Wii Bowling
         me personally.  We can talk about the process to make the change
         without skipping a beat.                                                Due to the statewide Shelter in Place, Wii Bowling for the month of May
         Thank You,                                                              is cancelled.  Hopefully play will resume in June.
                                                                                               Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
                                    Spite & Malice
         DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY CARDS? Join us every Sunday, Tuesday,               It is with regret and hope that Ye Old WestPark players had to cancel
         and Wednesday, at 1:00 pm in the Library at The Retreat to play SPITE   performances of Plaza Suite.  We regret not being able to do the show for
         AND MALICE. Come and play 1 day, 2 days, or 3 days. You never           our community but hope to make you laugh again soon.
         heard of the game? We will teach you how to play. We play singles or
         partners depending on how many players show up. Most of us learned
         this game after we moved to The Club in Roseville. Everyone is               ALL GROUPS ARE ON HOLD UNTIL THE
         welcome to play and have fun. Just show up.                                                 RETREAT REOPENS.
         Any questions, contact Jerye Stratmann at 773-6266 or Coral Guetersloh
         at 865-4727.                                                                         NOTE THEIR MEETING TIMES

                                     Travel Group                                            AND PLAN TO GET INVOVLED!
         Having no idea if there will be a club to have it in or any place to go let
         alone a travel agency to work with it is the opinion of the leadership of
         this great committee that we cancel. Of course this may change but we
         can let you know.
         In the mean time keep a good something to look forward to every day
         and take the time to enjoy it. Stay healthy Sam Kemp 916-781-0822

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