Page 11 - May 2020
P. 11
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Club at WestPark Democrats Hand and Foot
Democrats normally meet the first Wednesday of each month in the Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, and has
wellness room. This month, due to the coronavirus, on May 6th at 7:00 become a great success. We have about thirty players every Friday,
p.m., we will have our first virtual meeting utilizing the internet program, playing from 2 pm until around 4 pm. Cards are drawn prior to playing
Zoom. Snuggled comfortably in our favorite family room chair, we will to determine who plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 pm in
be able to fully participate in the meeting, with the ability to see and hear order to draw cards so that play can begin by 2 pm.) If you want to learn
all of the participants. to play, contact Pete Frates by email or phone
Our guest speaker will be our Democratic candidate for Congress, (916) 749-3054. Come join us to have fun, and meet new friends. You
Brynne Kennedy, who will also be answering any questions we wish to are also welcome to come and observe how we play.
pose to her.
Our mission is to create a welcoming forum to support Democratic Helping Hands 2.0
candidates of integrity who share our values of unity, diversity and equal Hello to all our neighbors from Helping Hands. This has been such a
rights. We strive to use our collective power through discussion, trying time for all of us, and we are hoping you are all staying home and
information and outreach to put our progressive vision, values and goals staying healthy. With everyone’s participation in following Gov
into action. Newsom’s Stay at Home and Social Distancing order for CA we can be
rid of this sooner than later.
An email to all Fashion Show ticket holders has gone out with our plan
MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED for refunding all Fashion Show ticket sales. If you did not get that email,
AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON please contact The good news is that we have
Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from already scheduled our 2021 Fashion Show for April 21. Not too early to
10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four. Save The Date!!
Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom. If you have not played in a Obviously, our monthly Coffee and Chat was cancelled for April 24th,
long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the game. but we are hoping we can get back to normal and hold our May 27th
We play to have fun and enjoy each other's company. If you would like gathering.
to learn Cribbage drop in or call Alan Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan Helping Hands is always here for you. Although right now we cannot
at or call (916)872-8984. deliver meals to you, or run errands, we can still send cards. Please let us
know if you or someone you know is ill or has lost a loved one and we
Digital World Club
will get a card out right away. Please email .
This meeting may be a Zoom meeting. Please reach out to your friends and neighbors by phone, email or a
We will notify the membership ZOOM meeting; we all need that social contact.
accordingly as events progress. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
The DWC meets on the first Monday of And thank you to all those Helping Hands: our Healthcare workers, our
the month. Our meeting is on May 4th, First Responders, our Grocery Store Workers, Delivery Drivers, and all
1-3 pm. those essential workers who are helping us through this perilous time.
What is the new 5G wireless service?
How is it different from my current Line Dancing
cellular service? Since we are now required to "shelter in place" line dance class is
What will it do for me? temporary suspended, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the physical
When will it be here? and mental benefits of dancing. Put on some music and dance around
We are seeing ads daily for 5G and it’s being touted as the next big your house. It will be the best "feel good" medicine you can give
technology to have. Join us for a presentation on the virtues of 5G and yourself. So turn up the music and dance. Nobody is watching!
learn what it will offer over current cellular and wireless services, and the
impact 5G capabilities will have on our daily lives in the near future.
Our future meetings are flexible due to current conditions. We will keep
our membership notified of any changes.
Stay safe.
If you have any questions, email Rick Koehler
May 2020 Page 11