Page 12 - May 2020
P. 12
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Mah Jongg Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group
We have a great group of folks that like to play American Mah Jongg. Its Saturday 2-4pm
a great time for socialization and would like to invite anyone with an Sunday 2-4pm
Interest who would like to learn. I have taught many of our Club Tuesday 2-4pm (if Wellness room is available).
members and would love to teach anyone who is Willing to learn. So I Just drop in, or email Dan Ketchum at to be
hope you will come and join the Fun!! added to our email list.
We play on Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00. Of course Our Poker Club
schedule will resume when things return to normal.
Please e mail Phyllis Frank or call 916-749-7641. Welcome club residents to Wed night Poker Group--6:00 to 9:00. Fun
times are here-25c limit. Come in and observe, if interested start a bank
Mexican Train (Dominos)
and play with chips ( no money at the tables) Standard poker games--
Please join us for Mexican Train (dominos) on Friday nights at 6:30pm! dealer choice--no wild cards. In addition, first Wed of each month, we
If you don’t know how to play, we’d be happy to teach you. Everyone is have a Hold-em poker tournament at 5:30 starting time. Women are
welcome to play - singles and couples. Contact Stan Kasperik at (916) welcome and men that are not afraid to take on these card sharks. See
872-4141 if you have any questions. you there, Bob G
Orchid Group Shutter Bugs
Winter is starting to wind down so your Cymbidiums should be starting Hello fellow Shutterbugs.
to bloom. What's that, you say they're not? Well you're in luck because We hope you are all doing well and staying safe. During these
this month we're going to be talking about Cymbidiums. These are one of challenging times life is far from normal and our Shutterbug activities
the easiest orchids to grow in the Sacramento Valley. Everyone should have been somewhat limited for sure.
have at least one of these in your collection. Knowing that we may not be back to our normal in person activities for
Cymbidiums come in many sizes from huge to very small. They put on a several months the steering committee has decided to hold Zoom
show every spring with large flowers and 1 or more flower spikes. meetings. As several of you know we recently did a dry run to test it out.
You've probably seen the one down at The Retreat right now. Come to Here are our thoughts for going forward. Our next meeting is scheduled
our next meeting, which is on March 7th at 3:00 in the library, and we'll for May 7th at 2pm. We will be conducting this meeting using
teach you how to take care of your Cymbidiums. Zoom. An invitation will go out to all Shutterbug members with the link
When you come to the meeting, please bring any blooming orchids that for the meeting.
you might have (including your Cymbidiums). Also, if you were at our Our agenda will be to show a couple reasonably short how-to YouTube
last meeting and mounted an orchid on something, please bring them videos on various photography topics that have been suggested in the
with you and we'll make sure that things are going well with them. We'll past. We will have a Q&A after each video. We will then leave at least
a half hour to show some of the work of our members. We would like to
give away a Cymbidium in our raffle this month so come and join us and
learn about these wonderful, easy to grow, orchids. You might just go suggest our members consider finding opportunities to show via their
photography our new reality living in a world changed by this
home with one.
Pinochle We also would encourage our members when they are out enjoying some
sunshine away from the crowd, we may find unique opportunities to take
COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON photos without the usual throngs of people in the photo.
AT THE CLUB We will continue to monitor the situation as we go forward and we are
Every Saturday 15 to 20 players are at the Club to play lively games of waiting for the time when we can all meet and enjoy each other’s
PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle company.
10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of
will help you come back up to speed. Win or lose we are here to have a our Facebook Group at:
good time. If you are interested in learning to play Pinochle drop in or groups/436603713658143
call Alan Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call This is a great place to easily share your photos. Give it a try.
(916)872-8984. For questions please contact Lou Frank at or any of
Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group your steering committee members.
Stay safe and we’ll see in our Zoom. Should you need a little additional
The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have help getting started with Zoom the Digital World Club and the Apple
fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All club have put together a great slide set to help you do that. Please
levels of players are welcome. contact Terry Brady or Jim Lindauer if you need a copy of these slides.
Days and Times:
Friday 2-4pm
May 2020 Page 12