Page 664 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 664

Michael Denton states that Darwinism brings atheism in its wake and causes great damage to human-

                  ity's way of looking at itself:
                       ... [Darwin's] new and revolutionary [at the same time unreasonable and unscientific] view of the living world
                       ... implied that all the diversity of life on Earth had resulted from natural and random processes and not, as was

                       previously believed, from the creative activity of God. [Surely God is beyond that!] The acceptance of this great
                       claim ... was to play a decisive role in the secularization of western society. ... It was because Darwinian theory
                       broke man's link with God and set him adrift in a cosmos without purpose or end that its impact was so fun-
                       damental. No other intellectual revolution in modern times ... so profoundly affected the way men viewed
                       themselves and their place in the universe.    164

                       The loss or weakening of belief in God leads to
                                                                                               a society's spiritual collapse. People with

                                                                                               no fear of God, who deny that they will
                                                                                                find their true, eternal lives after death
                                                                                                and will be recompensed for their deeds
                                                                                                in this world with Paradise or Hell, can
                                                                                                 be exceedingly unreliable, aggressive,

                                                                                                 ruthless and self-interested, and prone
                                                                                                 to dangerous criminal behavior. For
                                                                                                 someone who has no fear of God, there

                                                                                                  are no bounds. As long as that person
                                                                                                  thinks that he can somehow avoid be-
                                                                                                  ing punished by laws, he may commit
                                                                                                   all kinds of immorality and
                                                                                                   cause all kinds of disrup-

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