Page 660 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 660

As with so many other claims, Darwinists were totally mistaken in these regarding women. Contrary
                  to what evolutionists imagine, women's tender, compassionate and considerate way of thinking does not

                  mean they are backward, but actually shows them to be superior. Programmed to regard human beings as
                  a species of animal, evolutionists may regard such features as evidence of backwardness, but such attrib-
                  utes are most important to increase the quality of human life. Human characteristics, whose existence evo-
                  lutionists never wish to admit, permit advances and progress in a great many spheres, including art, liter-

                  ature and technology.

                       Science Again Refutes Darwinism

                       Measuring people's skulls and classifying them according to race and gender has been totally invali-
                  dated by science, since skull and brain size have nothing to do with intelligence or mental capacity.
                       In nature, in fact, there is clearly no direct relationship between brain size and intelligence. For exam-
                  ple, elephants and whales have much larger brains than humans. In addition, the cranial capacity of pre-

                  sent-day human beings ranges from about 700 cc to 2,200 cc.              156  Yet these differences do not establish dif-
                  ferent levels of intelligence among people.
                       Apart from skull measurements, genetic science has also revealed that Darwin's claims about the dif-

                  ferences between men and women are incorrect. According to the laws of inheritance, a man passes on his
                  genes to both his male and female offspring. If the man possesses biologically "superior" characteristics, as
                  Darwin maintained, then his daughter will possess those same superior features. But Darwin and his con-
                                                      temporaries knew so little about genetics that Darwin was even able to sug-
                                                                               gest that "the characteristics of a species acquired by

                                                                                                                      sexual selection are
                                                                                                                      usually confined to
                                                                                                                       one sex."  157  Darwin

                                                                                                                       also made ignorant
                                                                                                                       suggestions to the
                                                                                                                       effect that such supe-
                                                                                                                       rior qualities as ge-
                                                                                                                       nius, the higher pow-

                                                                                                                       ers of imagination
                                                                                                                       and reason are "trans-

                                                                             Germans using compasses and              mitted more fully to
                                                                             ruler for skull measurements to          the male than the fe-
                                                                             determine who was, and was not,
                                                                                                                      male offspring."   158

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