Page 658 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 658
God has created
men and women
equal. Men and
women can each
enjoy great success
by acting in the
light and the reason
imparted in them by
Of course, Darwin had no scientific basis for proposing this, but his biased and prejudiced claims about
women spread rapidly among his scientific contemporaries.
The materialist Carl Vogt, a professor of natural history at the University of Geneva, accepted all the
conclusions drawn by Darwin, without subjecting them to any scientific analysis, and claimed that "the
child, the female, and the senile white" all had the intellectual features and personality of the "grown up
Negro." 145 Vogt went even further, proposing that they were actually closer to animals than men.
According to Vogt, a woman was "a stunted man" whose development had been obstructed because her
evolution had come to a premature halt. 146 Vogt even concluded that the gap between males and females
increases with civilization's progress and is greatest in the advanced societies of Europe. 147 Darwin was
greatly influenced by Vogt's rantings, and felt honored to count him among his most important support-
ers. 148
Many times in history, there have been mostly successful efforts to keep women in the background, due
to the ignorance and backwardness of the societies in question. However, this is something that stems en-
tirely from the influence of the established culture. There is absolutely no biological retardation, as Darwin
and his supporters maintained, since God has created men and women equal. To claim that men are supe-
rior, and to use this allegation to treat women as second-class citizens, is a primitive behavior practiced by
societies that do not live by religious moral values. In our day, when equal opportunities are ensured, there
are countless examples of women known to be just as successful, intelligent and capable as men.
656 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3