Page 654 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 654
ucated in the light of Darwinist teachings, who regard human beings as no more than animals, who imag-
ine life as a battleground, and who believe that all forms of evil are justified in the struggle for survival
will inevitably constitute a ruthless social order. Those who deny that man is created and possesses a soul
breathed into him by God, who refuse to regard their fellow humans as valuable entities with reason and
conscience, and who regard them as no different than animals and plants, will naturally be unaffected by
mass murder and the sufferings of the helpless. When such people think that harm might come to them
or their own interests, they can easily kill others, feeling no pity or compassion, or abandon them to a life
of poverty and unhappiness. One cannot expect such a heartless individual to protect the sick, help the
needy, or engage in altruistic behavior. Such a person will not even protect his ailing and elderly parents.
He will regard caring for his handicapped brother as a waste of time, energy and money. If this diseased
world view spreads, then everyone—administrators to family members, from doctors to teachers—will
behave under its influence. It is impossible for such virtues as altruism, patience, compassion, affection,
respect or devotion to apply in societies that do not live by religious moral values, whose lack has always
brought destruction and catastrophe.
1. Construction of a wall dividing the Warsaw ghetto from
the rest of the city
2. Helpless people sent to the Belzec concentration camp
3. A Gypsy couple at the Belzec concentration camp
4. A Gypsy used by Nazi doctors experimenting on the drink-
ability of sea water
652 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3