Page 649 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 649

Harun Yahya

                 How Was the T4 Euthanasia Program Put into Practice?

                 In mid-1939 the final preparations for the program were initiated. In October, questionnaires about

             the mentally ill, prepared by advisors and the Psychiatry Committee, were sent out to hospitals and in-
             stitutions. These sought the following information: "Name of patient, marital status, nationality, next of
             kin. Is patient visited on a regular basis? If so, by whom? With whom does financial responsibility lie?

             How long has patient been in hospital? How long has patient been ill? Diagnosis, main symptoms. Is pa-
             tient bed-ridden? Is patient under restraint? Was patient admitted because of an incurable disease or
             condition? Is the patient war-wounded? And patient's race." Front groups operating under the T4 pro-
             gram distributed the questionnaires.
                 Under the T4 system, four front groups had been set up to carry out orders from the real T4 team,

             and in the event of any investigation, the groups would conceal the true source of the operations. Any
             hospital or family investigating a death warrant or the form of death found it impossible to reach any-
             one further back than the four front groups.

                 Working in parallel to these four groups was another group, whose members had become expert on
             the killing of children in particular. This group was named the Realms Committee for Scientific
             Approach to Severe Illness due to Heredity and Constitution and had two other organizations in as-
             sociation with it. The Charitable Company for the Transport of the Sick was re-
             sponsible for transporting patients to the killing centers. The Charitable

             Foundation for Institutional Care dealt with final arrangements and proce-
                 One of the Nazis' heartless practices was to demand "expenses" from the

             families of the patients killed, although the families were unaware they were
             actually paying for their relatives' murder.
                 The questionnaires were filled in by the doctors or psychiatrists responsi-
             ble for the patients in the asylum. The returned forms were evaluated by T4's
             own psychiatrists and other experts. No patients were examined or observed

             directly. The decision on whether or not a patient was to be killed was
             based on information in the questionnaires.
                 When the forms were first sent out, a number of mental hospi-

             tals and suitable buildings were re-arranged for use as killing
             sites and murder training schools. The death chambers inside

              This authoriza-
              tion, known as
                 the "Führer-
             Order," empow-
              ered Nazi doc-
             tors to kill those
              patients whose
              deaths they re-
              garded as nec-
             essary. It consti-
                 tuted the al-
             leged "legal" ba-
             sis of the crimes
               perpetrated by
                Nazi doctors.
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