Page 650 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 650

Smoking chimney from the
                                                                                                                 ovens used to burn the corpses
                                                                                                                 at the Hadamar killing center

                                                                                                                 Photographs from different angles of
                                                                                                                           the Bernburg killing center

                  the buildings were camouflaged as showers.
                       This is how this terrifying system func-

                  tioned:  After the questionnaires' responses
                  were received, a notice was sent to the insti-
                  tutions caring for those patients selected for
                  death, announcing that space was to be made

                  available for war-wounded, or that patients
                  were to be removed elsewhere to receive bet-
                  ter treatment. One of the front groups collected these patients and transport-
                  ed them to one of the killing centers. There, they were exterminated within a

                  few hours of their arrival.
                       Not only the mentally incurable were butchered. As the practice of eu-
                  thanasia gained pace, the Nazis began to include other "undesirables." Death
                  warrants were issued for the mentally unstable, schizophrenics, the elderly

                  and infirm, epileptics, and people suffering from Parkinson's disease, paralysis,
                  multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and other organic neurological disorders. Children were killed in the same
                  way, and orphanages and reformatories were investigated in detail to discover new victims.
                       One very important point must be made clear: 50% of those killed might have recovered had they been

                  permitted to do so.    132
                       In order to conceal the T4 operations, great efforts went in to making the death centers appear like or-
                  dinary mental hospitals. This was admitted at the Nuremberg trials by Viktor Brack, head of the 2nd unit

                  of the KdF (a term used to refer to the Chancellery of the Führer) and one of the main figures responsible

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