Page 648 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
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small euthanasic institutions supplied with proper gases. A similar treatment could be advantageously applied
to the insane, guilty of criminal acts. Modern society should not hesitate to organise itself with reference to the
normal individual. Philosophical systems and sentimental prejudices must give way before such a necessity.
The development of human personality is the ultimate purpose of civilisation. 128
Dr. Carrel maintained that the murder of criminals and those thought to be harmful to society was the
best, most "economic" solution. As already made clear, when Social Darwinism seeks a solution to social
problems, it fails to consider the human dimension, and proposes exceedingly mechanical, inhumane,
ruthless and cruel solutions that are totally incompatible with human conscience. It maintains that human
beings, especially the so- called "undesirable," should be regarded as animals or chattels.
True, the fight against crime and criminals is of the greatest importance to society. But this fight must
absolutely be waged on the level of ideas. Environments that lay the groundwork for crime must be elim-
inated, and various cultural and educational programs must try to win back those who engage in criminal
activity. Falsehoods that portray human beings as a species of animal lay the basis for crime of all sorts;
purporting to justify murder, theft, rape, aggression and all forms of evil. Depicting people as justified in
committing crimes, and then suggesting that they be punished by death is totally inexplicable. For that rea-
son, it's of the greatest importance that those who keep supporting the theory of evolution—either for lack
of sufficient information or because they fail to consider the catastrophes to which these claims can lead—
realize the scale of the danger. To seek well-being for a society by killing criminals is most savage, primi-
tive and barbaric. The most effective, permanent means of lowering the crime rate and the numbers of
those engaged in criminal activity is to strengthen society in spiritual terms, and to improve education, liv-
ing standards, and levels of well-being. Most important of all, society's religious belief and love of God
must be strengthened. Someone who fears God knows that after death he will receive a reward or punish-
ment for his actions in this world; someone who loves God, also loves those things He has created. He re-
spects and loves other people and always behaves in a moral manner. The more such a conception becomes
rooted in society, the more that society will enjoy well-being, peace, and progress.
• Hitler's Secret Death Warrant
After Nazi Germany passed its racist laws, the time had come to obtain public acceptance of eugenic
measures, especially euthanasia. Various propaganda methods, with films heading the list, were employed
to bring people to believe the lie that there is no point in making great efforts to keep harmful people alive.
Newspapers published reports and articles about how much money was being spent on the mentally hand-
icapped, and how that money could be more usefully spent elsewhere. The campaign was initiated on such
a scale that it even entered school textbooks. 129
Germany's first euthanasia measures were taken at the end of 1938, at which time a certain Knauer
from Leipzig wrote Hitler a letter, saying that he wanted a doctor to put an end to a child of his who was
born blind, with only parts of its arms and legs and seemed to be an idiot. In response, Hitler sent his pri-
vate physician, Professor Karl Brandt, to Leipzig, where the child was duly put to death. 130
Hitler signed a document authorizing Karl Brandt and Reich-leader Philip Bouhler to permit euthana-
sia in special cases. The official permission, known as the "Führer-Order," read:
Reichsleader Bouhler and Dr. Brandt, M.D. are charged with the responsibility of enlarging the authority of cer-
tain physicians to be designated by name in such a manner that persons who according to human judgement
can upon most careful diagnosis of their condition of sickness be accorded a mercy death.
Signed - A. Hitler 131
This authority, which made murder a part of daily life, formed the basis for crimes perpetrated by the
psychiatrists of the Nazi Germany. Later, ironically, the defendants in the Nuremberg and other war crimes
trials tried to depict it as an order and a mitigating factor in their crimes.
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