Page 644 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 644
• The Nuremberg Laws
The Sterilization Law was not sufficient for the Nazis to achieve their real objective. In order to estab-
lish a "purified Aryan race," the Nuremberg Laws were passed in 1935. Under these laws—savagery and
primitiveness legalized—, enshrined the ideal of the so-called purification of the Aryan race.
Work on racial purification began with an enquiry into civil servants' family trees. Those thought not
to belong to the Aryan race were forced into retirement. The Nuremberg Laws divided the German people
into half: those who were subjects of the state and those who enjoyed full citizenship and political rights.
Jews, Gypsies and members of other races were merely subjects of the state who did not enjoy citizenship
rights. The second of the Nuremberg Laws, "For the Protection of German Blood and German Honor,"
(known as the Blood Protection Law for short) sought to guarantee the nation's so-called racial purity.
Under this new law, marriage between German citizens and German subjects became a crime. It also
constituted a precedent for future practices implemented to isolate "undesirable individuals."
• Master Race Specification Programs
The first step in the eugenics program was to classify the features possessed by the race the Nazis re-
garded as superior. The characteristics of the so-called
master race were enumerated as follows:
Skull measurements, hair
color, lung capacity and Blond, tall, long-skulled, with narrow faces, pro-
fingerprints were used by nounced chins, narrow noses with a high bridge, soft
eugenicists to identify those hair, widely spaced pale-coloured eyes, pinky-white
who were not "superior."
skin colour. 124
These and similar criteria, manifestly the
product of a diseased mentality, are both a
violation of science and also morally unac-
ceptable. As already emphasized, there are
no logical or moral grounds for discriminat-
ing against people on the grounds of the col-
or of their skin, eyes or hair.
642 Atlas of Creation Vol. 3