Page 645 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 645
Harun Yahya
Hitler was aware of the importance of genes for Nazi Germany. The new
generation, raised in the light of twisted Nazi propaganda, was planned to
be followers of Hitler. Youth was one of the areas most concentrated on
by Nazi propaganda experts. A number of young people with superior
physical characteristics were brought together at special eugenic camps,
to be used as private stud farms. By this perverted and immoral
method, it was believed that the German race would be-
come purified and improved. Young people were brain-
washed with Nazi propaganda to become blindly de-
voted to that ideology. These people, poisoned by
Nazi propaganda from a very young age, were made
unable to distinguish right from wrong.
Despite these irrational criteria, it wasn't that easy for the Nazis to distinguish the races from one
another. To that end, they carried out various measurements, using exceedingly primitive methods, to
measure people's skulls, and implemented a number of intelligence tests with no scientific validity.
Women who met their necessary racial requirements were placed in special houses and kept pregnant
by Nazi officers for as long as this primitive state of affairs continued. Children of unknown fathers were
brought into the world in these immoral "human stud farms." These children represented the next gen-
eration of the so-called master race. However, the totally unexpected result was that the average IQs of
children born on these farms were lower than the average IQs of their mothers and fathers. 125
The T4 Euthanasia Program: "Scientific" Murders
These laws laid the foundations for even more unimaginable measures. One of these practices may
be summarized as mass murder of the mentally impaired. The T4 Euthanasia Program took its name
from the initials of the address of the headquarters in Berlin where the measures were administered:
Tiergartenstrasse 4.
Under the T4 program, the incurable, the physically or mentally impaired, those with psychological
problems and the elderly were killed to ensure so-called racial purity. Children, women and the elderly
were subjected to the gas chambers, simply for being members of a different race, while thousands of in-
nocent people of the same race were slaughtered for being viewed as weak and powerless. Hitler initi-
ated this ruthless campaign in 1939. The killings continued officially until 1941, but on an unofficial ba-
sis until the final Nazi defeat in 1945.
Adnan Oktar 643