Page 646 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 646

T4 contained measures known as "Geheime

                  Reichssache" (Secret Reich Matters), and those
                  charged with implementing them were obliged to re-
                  main silent. One reason why little information could

                  be obtained about euthanasia in Nazi Germany is
                  that later, the personnel trained and employed with-
                  in the program were sent as soldiers to the most dan-
                  gerous fronts. The resistance partisans in Yugoslavia
                  were known for killing enemy troops rather than tak-

                  ing them prisoner. Most witnesses to the euthanasia
                  were sent to that particular front and eliminated.
                       In Fundamental Outline of Racial Hygiene, Alfred

                  Ploetz was one of the first to speak about the killing
                  of the sick and handicapped.  According to Ploetz,
                  from the point of view of "the protection and hygiene
                  of the race," it was a grave error for the sick and weak
                  to be protected and cared for (which is exactly what

                  should happen in a healthy society). According to his
                  perverted thinking, the weak were being protected
                  and kept alive when they ought to be eliminated.

                  Ploetz was sufficiently heartless as to maintain that
                  the doctors' board should immediately kill a handi-
                  capped or flawed newborn baby with a low dose of
                       Others followed in Ploetz's footsteps. In 1922 the

                  jurist Karl Binding and the psychiatrist Alfred Hoche                A 1945 cartoon showing how all of Hitler's policies ended in
                  published a book supporting euthanasia titled  Die                                                            death and savagery
                  Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens (The

                  Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value). Their book claimed that the sick and handicapped were
                  a burden both to themselves and to society, that killing them would be no great loss, that the cost of keep-
                  ing such "useless" individuals alive was very high, and that the state could spend that money in more pro-
                  ductive areas. As a solution, they proposed killing the physically and mentally handicapped, and de-
                  manded that the religious and legal obstacles be lifted.          126  One of Hoche's irrational assumptions was that

                  the moral values concerning the protection of life would soon disappear, and the elimination of "unneces-
                  sary" life would be essential to society's survival.       127
                       To have a clearer grasp of just how terrifying that recommendation was, consider if you found your-

                  self in a society where these proposed models were actually practiced. What if your deaf sister, your blind
                  mother, your psychologically disturbed grandfather, your lame grandmother, or aging father were taken
                  away for death before your very eyes, in the name of science and for the benefit of society? No doubt you
                  would understand that there was nothing scientific whatsoever about the murder of people you love. You
                  would have no difficulty seeing these claims as the result of a diseased mentality. Such barbarity would in-

                  flict indescribable suffering on you and everyone you know. Such suffering was indeed experienced in
                  many societies, especially in Nazi Germany, and murders in the hysteria of eugenics left deep wounds in
                  the conscience of society.

                       The efforts made by evolutionists to ignore or forget the scale of these depravities are ultimately
                  doomed to failure. No matter how they seek to cover them up, the facts are clear. Humanity experienced
                  terrible suffering and grave losses on account of the ideological foundations laid by Darwinism.
                       At the same time that the barbarity of eugenics was taking place in Nazi Germany, it also spread to a
                  number of other countries, particularly the USA. In 1935, Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute pub-

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