Page 652 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 652

this way, the Nazis would find this difficult to explain, and so adopted all possible security measures.

                       The students, who had now turned into executioners of sorts, soon grew used to the murder proce-
                  dures, and became immune to the pleadings, screams and writhings of the victims. During this process,
                  their instructors closely observed their reactions and wrote reports about them. It was calculated that if stu-

                  dents had no difficulty in killing members of their own race simply because they were sick, then it would
                  be even easier for them to kill members of "inferior races," and they were trained for "wider ranging" prac-
                  tices in future. Students who were unable to bear these killings or who protested were sent to the front and
                  placed in "suicide squads" by their unit commanders.
                       In order to become executioners, the students were trained to be cold-blooded, "flawless assassins"—

                  to withstand the cries and writhings of the dying and the smell of burning human flesh and, to be able to
                  speak to the people they were sending to their deaths as if they really were just going to the showers. They
                  were rewarded and encouraged in various ways. In addition to these various incentives, they were also

                  awarded the Iron Cross Second Class medals, for "Secret Reich matter."
                       Slowly the public became aware of what was going on in these
                  institutes, and protests began. It was then announced that Hitler
                  had issued an order for the killings to cease. They did not, how-
                  ever, and all that happened was a change of methods, involving ei-

                  ther lethal injection or starvation, with the dead buried in mass
                  graves. In this way, the savagery of euthanasia continued through-
                  out the war.

                       Special Action 14f13

                       After slaughtering a great many "undesirable" and allegedly "use-

                  less" mentally ill people, the T4 program widened its sphere of activ-
                  ity under the code name 14f13. Previously restricted to mental hospi-
                  tals and research institutes, the program was now directed toward
                  German and Austrian prisoners who fell sick because of the conditions

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