Page 653 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 653
Harun Yahya
they were kept in, and towards Jews, Poles and Gypsies in the concentration camps. Operation 14f13 be-
gan in December 1941. Special commissions consisting of psychiatrists were added to the Berlin T4 team,
and they selected sick and in their view, otherwise, undesirable individuals and sent them to concen-
tration camps to empty out medical departments and sick centers. The patients selected were generally
sent to one of six killing centers and killed there. The people selected from the concentration camps were
generally classified according to their ability to work, and if unfit for hard labor, were sent to their
In 1943, children, too, began being killed in Hadamar, one of the death stations. In addition to the
physically or mentally handicapped, these also included those in state shelters or orphanages. 133
Irreligion Lies at the Root of Ruthlessness and Lack of Compassion
Nazi Germany is a clear example of the sufferings inflicted on people when Social Darwinist ideas
are put into practice. Joseph L. Graves Jr., professor of evolutionary biology and author of The Emperor's
New Clothes, which criticizes racist theories, makes this comment:
The tragedy of Nazi Germany stands as the clearest example of what can happen if eugenics, racial hierar-
chy, and Social Darwinism are taken to their logical conclusions. 134
How did these people come to harbor such great hatred, insensitivity and ruthlessness? How did
they come to be such murderers and enemies of the human race? The manifest answer is that people ed-
A German psy-
chiatric hospi-
tal in 1925
Above: The Hadamar killing
center's cemetery
"Nazis also murdered
200,000 'sick'"
Milliyet report dated
October 10, 2003
To the side: Monument to
those killed under the eu-
thanasia program
Adnan Oktar 651