Page 663 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 663
Harun Yahya
tual sanction. It is ironic to recall that it
was the increasingly secular outlook in
the nineteenth century which initially
eased the way for the acceptance of
evolution, while today it is perhaps the
Darwinian view of nature more than
any other that is responsible for the ag-
nostic and skeptical outlook of the
twentieth century. What was once a de-
duction from materialism has today be-
come its foundation. 160
At this point it will be appropriate
to examine the Darwinist claims that
prepared the foundation for this moral
collapse and degeneration.
Phillip Johnson and his book
Darwinism Constitutes the Basis of Defeating Darwinism
One of the main reasons why materialist circles support Darwinism with such intense determination
is its atheistic aspect.
Atheism has existed since very ancient times, but with Darwinism, atheists imagined that they had
finally found an answer to the question of how living things (and human beings) came to exist, which
for centuries they had been unable to answer. They suggested that natural order and equilibrium had
arisen as the result of coincidences, and that there was no purpose in the universe. However, every one
of these views collapsed in the face of scientific, political and social advances made in the 20th century.
Discoveries and analyses in a great many disciplines, from astronomy to biology, from psychology to so-
cial ethics, totally uprooted the theses of evolution and the assumptions of atheism.
Many evolutionists and materialists admit that Darwinism inevitably ends in atheism. Thomas
Huxley was the first to state this openly, saying that when the theory of evolution was fully accepted, it
would be impossible to believe in religion.
William Provine, professor of history at Cornell University and also an evolutionist, states that the
world view of someone who believes in the theory of evolution is at complete variance with religion. 161
Charles Smith, former president of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, also
admits this, saying "Evolution is Atheism." 162
Phillip Johnson describes the importance of the theory of evolution for atheistic and intellectual
trends incompatible with religious moral values:
… the triumph of Darwinism implied the [denial of the existence] of God and set the stage for replacing bib-
lical religion with a new faith based on evolutionary naturalism. That new faith would become the basis not
just of science but also government, law and morality. It would be the established ... philosophy of moder-
nity. 163
As Johnson states, many scientists with a blind faith in Darwinism and materialism have made it
their aim to use science as a means of rejecting God. But the fact is, science is a most valuable means of
revealing the proofs of God's existence. The last 20 years have seen a rapid rise in the numbers of scien-
tists who support the fact of creation. Every new study, and every new piece of information shows that
an exceedingly sensitive and flawless equilibrium exists in the entire universe, and reveals the work of
a superior and great Intelligence that belongs to Almighty God, Who is exalted and rich beyond any
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